Man signing documents with pen

Shareholder and Partnership Disputes

Resolving complex disputes to restore harmony and protect your business.

Shareholder and Partnership Disputes

Resolving Shareholder and Partnership Disputes

Shareholders and partners are invaluable assets, providing talent, experience, and financing that propel a business forward. However, disagreements among them can lead to emotionally charged and time-consuming disputes that drain company resources. At Fleck Eckert Klein McGarry, we specialize in efficiently and effectively resolving such disputes to help your company return to business as usual.

Common disputes include:

  • Breach of partnership or operating agreements

  • Valuation of stock and partnership interests

  • Breach of fiduciary duties

  • Excessive executive compensation

  • Corporate waste of assets

  • Breach of employment or non-competition agreements

  • Denying access to financial books and records

  • Fraud, self-dealing, and misappropriation of funds

  • Failure to pay dividends or distributions

  • Management deadlocks

  • Derivative lawsuits filed by shareholders or partners on behalf of the company

  • Appraisal rights for minority shareholders during buyouts

  • Dissolution and winding down of the company

When litigation is unavoidable, our seasoned attorneys bring a strong track record of success and deep expertise to defend your interests. Trust Fleck Eckert Klein McGarry to restore harmony among stakeholders and safeguard your business.